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Notice Board - School Communication

This section of the website is where you will find any new Information/Updates for the Whole School or Individual Classes - please check this section regularly for updates.

*Menu: Whole School - Relates to Information for (P1 - P7) 

Class Information - Will be Headed up with what class it refers to eg. P1, P2/3, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7 

Please refer to your emails for individual Group Calls and the Parent Zone section of the website for School Event Information. 

Weekly Bulletins 2024

Weekly Bulletins - Week ending 11/10/24 

Whole School 
LOST PROPERTY - We have two large blue tubs sitting at the front of the school full of lost property (a lot of small sizes) with no names.
Please can we ask that you have a look through at home time for missing items. Please can we ask that for the new term that you label all clothing, this makes it easier to return to the correct pupil. Thank you 

Whole School 

Please find attached letter for Milk Payments for next term . The fund is live on ipay. Please make payment by 21st October.

If your child is registered for Free School Meals they will automatically receive milk unless you advise us otherwise. Further information about eligibility for free school meals and milk can be found at

Whole School 
Please be aware that there will be no Steak Pie tomorrow (10.10.24).  The option will still be there as we are unable to change it.  It will be Chicken and Gravy Pie instead.  If your child does not want the Chicken Pie, please go in to change their choice for tomorrow.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Whole School 
We are looking forward to welcoming you all either tonight (09.10.24) or tomorrow night (10.10.24) for the parent consultations.  You should have received a message with your appointment time and date.  If you are unsure, please contact the school office and we can confirm the details.
Can we please ask parents to enter through the breakfast club door for their appointments.  Once you have finished, can we please ask you to leave the building via the front door.

Whole School 
Just a reminder to check the School Website for the latest School Communication/Events for Individual Classes and Whole School.
Please copy and paste the below link into your search engine or check the Parent Zone Section - Notice Board - School Communication, on the school website

Please copy and paste the below link into your search engine or check the Parent Zone Section - School Events, on the school website

P1 Pupils

P1 Medical will take place Wednesday 23rd October as per Questionnaire recently completed. 

Whole School 
The cleaning staff have asked if you can remind pupils to empty all food out of their trays before Friday.  Can you also remind pupils to take home their lunchboxes and water bottles so that they are not lying over the holidays.

Whole School 
Unfortunately, due to the weather forecast, we have decided to cancel the trip to the park tomorrow (09.10.24).  We will look at organising this again after the October holidays.  More details to follow.

Whole School 

Cyrenians Linburn walled garden at Wilkieston have a free family friendly event happening this Saturday (12.10.24) 12pm -  3pm. It is part of the Scottish Mental Health Arts festival and will have a pop up exhibition as well as wellbeing activities such as laughing yoga, drum workshops, art workshops, orcle reading, hand massage, mocktail making and outdoor games. The week after the garden will be decorated for Halloween.

Whole School 
Just a reminder that the collection day for Kirkie Savers will be tomorrow (08.10.24).

Whole School 
A reminder that Parent Consultations are being held this week.
Wednesday 9 October
Thursday 10 October
If you have any queries, please call the school office on 01506 284200.

Whole School 
We are looking to re home our school  piano - free to a good home.  It may need tuning and cleaning up but this would be a good project for someone.  Please contact the school office if you are interested or if you know of anyone else who would be interested.  Please see photo attached.

P1 Pupils

P1 Medical Questionnaire's need to be returned by Monday 7th October.


Weekly Bulletins - Week ending 04/10/24 

P2 &P2/3 Pupils
P2 and P2/3 pupils are going to the park on Wednesday 9th October from 10:45am-12pm as part of our learning around the season of Autumn. We are looking for 3 parent helpers to assist with our trip to the park.  Please contact the school office if you are able to help out.
Thank you in advance.

Whole School 
We think there may have been some confusion regarding the payments for the children to go to the Panto.  Tickets cost £10.00.  Although we have set IPay up for £20.00, we are only asking for you to pay what you can for your child's ticket.  If you are in a position to pay more to help someone else out, then this would be much appreciated.  If you are not in a position to pay extra, please do not do so.  Likewise, if you are unable to pay the full £10.00 for the ticket, please only pay what you are able to.

For those who have already paid the full £20.00, we will be in touch with you over the next few weeks to discuss if this was your intention.
Sorry for any confusion.

P6 Pupils
Just a reminder that EE2's for the future class trip (National Museum) for P6 is due tomorrow (04.10.24), please ensure that this is handed in tomorrow, if it has not already been returned.

Whole School 
Just a reminder that EE2's for the future school trip to the Panto is due tomorrow (04.10.24), please ensure that this is handed in tomorrow. Please can we ask that you take particular care when completing the Emergency Treatment Box (please tick one option only). Thank you to all that have already handed in. 

Whole School 
As next week is Challenge Poverty Week 2024, we would like to advise that we will be discussing issues around poverty with our learners this week and next week.  This might be quite challenging and may be something your child wishes to discuss further at home.
If you have any questions, please contact the school.

P1 Pupils

P1 Medical Questionnaire's have been handed out today (01.10.24), please look out for these in the school bags. Please return these by Monday 7th October.

Whole School 

This year, we have decided to collect food over harvest for the Food Bank. Please see list below to see what your child's class are collecting. Please note that there is no obligation to send anything. It is a personal choice. All donations should be brought on Monday 28th October to display at assembly. 
Nursery: Stock Cubes

Primary1: Tea Bags
Primary 2: Tinned Pasta
Primary 3: Tinned Cold Meat
Primary 4: Tinned Veg
Primary 5: UHT Milk
Primary 6: Washing Up Liquid
Primary 7: Household Cleaning Spray

P1 & P7 Pupils
Just a reminder that the Dental Inspections will take place tomorrow (01.10.24) for P1 and P7 only. If you DO NOT wish your child to take part please advise the school office by close of play today. Thank you to those that have already advised.
Should you have any queries, please email the school office.

Whole School 

Invite from Dean Park Primary School. ND Coffee Morning on Friday 4th October 1130am

We are planning another informal coffee morning on Friday 4th October at 11.30am  for parents of children who are neurodivergent, including children with a diagnosis of autism, ADHD, intellectual disability and those awaiting diagnosis or exploring this. This is an opportunity for parents to connect and build relationships across the school community. 

This is an open invitation to any parents from Nursery to P7 who would like to meet other parents in a supportive environment. 

Please reply to if you are planning to attend so that we can make sure we cater for everyone.

It was great to welcome so many families at our last coffee morning - everyone is welcome. 


Weekly Bulletins - Week ending 27/09/24 

Whole School 
There will be no School Admin in the school office from 11:50am (27.09.24) and calls may not be able to be answered - if urgent, please email the school office -

Whole School 
Just a reminder that dress down day is tomorrow (Friday) - Any donations will be gratefully received for our chosen charity.

Whole School 
Just a reminder to check the School Website for the latest School Communication/Events for Individual Classes and Whole School.
Please copy and paste the below link into your search engine or check the Parent Zone Section - Notice Board - School Communication, on the school website
Please copy and paste the below link into your search engine or check the Parent Zone Section - School Events, on the school website

Whole School 
We would like to inform you that Chickenpox are doing the rounds again in school.  Please do not send your child to school if they have a fever or spots.  All spots should be crusted over and fever gone before your child returns to school.  Please follow NHS guidelines for further advise. Take care.

Whole School 

A reminder that our Mini Dig is on Saturday 28th September 2024 between 9am and 1pm. Please use the link below to see what is planned and to let us know you are coming. We will start the day with an informal breakfast, so we need to know numbers as soon as possible.

P6  Pupils
Just a reminder of P6 Class Trip tomorrow (25.09.24), please ensure pupils take a pack lunch/snack/bottle of water and a warm, waterproof outdoor jacket, hat and sun cream (if hot weather) and appropriate shoes.

Whole School 

We are delighted to announce that Xcite West Lothian Leisure will be running our October multi-Camps once again during the upcoming October holidays. Please use the hyperlink attached.

Whole School 
Please find attached a letter (sent in Group Call (24.09.24) regarding the upcoming Parents Consultations which will be held on Wednesday 9 October and Thursday 10 October.
Appointments will be available to book from 12.00 noon today.  If you have any issues, please contact the school office.

P5  Pupils

As part of our current writing genre, descriptive, we are learning to describe people, places and things. On Thursday children are invited to bring in a thing from home (or a photo of a person or place) as a stimulus for their writing lesson. This must be something that they know well and can describe in good detail. Any questions don't hesitate to email the school

Whole School 
Just a reminder that the collection day for Kirkie Savers will be tomorrow 24.09.24.

Whole School 
Please find attached letter and EE2 for the Panto that we are attending on 17th December. Pupils have received hard copies today - please look out for these in their school bags.
Please return the EE2's by Friday 4th October 2024.  Any queries, please contact the school office.

Whole School 
Tonight's Head Teacher Drop-in has been cancelled. We have rescheduled this for Monday 30th September between 5pm and 6pm. This is an opportunity for you to meet with the senior leadership team to discuss any concerns or ideas you have regarding the school. 

P6  Pupils
Just a reminder that EE2's for the future class trip (Almond Valley) for P6 is due tomorrow, please ensure that this is handed in tomorrow.


Weekly Bulletins - Week ending 20/09/24 

P7  Pupils
Please find below email from Balerno High School 
Balerno High School P7 Open Evening- Wednesday 25th September

We look forward to welcoming you to Balerno High School to see what experiences lie ahead for your young person. We will operate the evening in a tour style led by our Senior Pupil Team. Upon arrival, you will be given a number, please then make your way into the concourse and find the pupil holding up that number. This is the tour your family will be a part of. All tours will have the opportunity to meet some of the staff from each of our faculties; 

  • Support Team

  • English, Media and Modern Languages

  • Maths & Business

  • Science

  • Social Subjects

  • Creative Technologies

  • Health & Wellbeing 

There will also be a quiz for pupils to complete as they move around the school so please do bring a pen or pencil!

Families should sign up to one of two sessions; Early (16.20-17.40) or Evening (17.40-19.00) by completing this form-

We look forward to meeting you then. 

P6 Pupils
Please see letters and EE2's (sent in a Group Call 20.09.24) for a trip to Almond Valley (Livingston) on Wednesday 25th September and one to the National Museum (Edinburgh) on 29th October.
Pupils have received hard copies today - please look out for these in their school bags.
Please return the EE2's by Monday 23rd September 2024 for Almond Valley Trip and Friday 4th October for National Museum Trip. Payments can be made via ipay system as of Monday 23rd September for the National Museum Trip only, 
Any queries, please contact the school office.

Whole School 

Please note we have set up two funds on Ipay - One for the Panto in December (2024 Panto - Oor Aladdin - Bathgate Regal Theatre) and also a Savings Fund (2024 - Saving Fund - Kirknewton Primary). The Savings Fund is for Parent/Carers to use for savings for future school trips, residentials, etc...

Whole School 

We look forward to welcoming you to our Mini Dig on Saturday 28th September 2024 between 9am and 1pm. Please use the link below to see what is planned and to let us know you are coming. We will start the day with an informal breakfast, so we need to know numbers as soon as possible. Please use the form below to advise who will be attending.


Weekly Bulletins - Week ending 13/09/24 

P7 Pupils
The bus will be leaving Lendrick Muir at 7.00pm and pupils will arrive back at Kirknewton PS around 7.45pm.  Please make you way along to the school by 7.45pm to collect your child.  

P7 Pupils
Miss O'Mara has advised that photo's from the camp will be on the class SWAY.

Whole School 

To ensure the safety of all learners, we have decided to lock the front playground and carpark gates between the hours of 9am and 3.00pm. During this time, you will only be able to access the front playground through the main gate, opposite the main door. It is vitally important that people don't remove the clips which will be in place during these hours. Thank you for your help while we ensure the safety of all learners.

Whole School 
Please encourage your child to wait on the pavement for the cross patrol (Donna) to arrive.  Donna will then indicate when it is safe to cross the road.
Thank you in advance.

P1 Pupils
A reminder that tomorrow, 11th of September, at 2pm - (NOT 1PM as previously stated on events page) , P1 would like to invite you to their Literacy Event. Parents/Carers will start the session in the hall with P1 staff, to gain insight into some of the teaching which takes place in the classroom. They will then join their children in class to play some literacy based games and activities. Please let us know if we can expect an adult to attend the event for your child, up to two adults per child may attend.

Thank you to those who have already replied. If you have not replied and would like to come along, please contact the school office.

Whole School 

It is important that we have up to date details for your child incase we need to contact you.
Thank you to those who have already registered with Parents Portal and have updated their child's details online.
If you have received an online update message can we please ask you to check/update your child's details ASAP.
If you have not already registered with Parents Portal and need assistance, please contact the school office.

P7 Pupils
Just to advise the our P7 pupils have arrived safely at Lendrick Muir.

Whole School 

Weekly Bulletin - Week ending 06/09/24 


Debate Night is BBC Scotland's political TV discussion show and we want the people of Scotland to have their say.

The programme is travelling across the country on Wednesday evenings, and we would love to meet locals at a location nearest to you:

Wednesday 18 Sept          EDINBURGH

Wednesday 25 Sept          DUNDEE

Wednesday 02 Oct            DUMFRIES

Wednesday 09 Oct            PERTH

Wednesday 16 Oct            KIRKCALDY

Wednesday 23 Oct            GLASGOW

Wednesday 30 Oct            EDINBURGH

Wednesday 06 Nov           ABERDEEN

How do I apply for FREE studio tickets?

Visit and click 'Apply to the Audience'.

Filling out the online application takes two minutes!  It's also accessible via mobile or tablet.

If you would like to attend with somebody, please ask them to apply too. 

Why be part of the audience?

Debate Night is the only television programme of its kind in Scotland.  It gives you the opportunity to put your questions to the country's decision-makers and public figures.

We want people from all walks of life.  You might be a parent, a carer or a student?  Perhaps you run a business or are a frontline worker?  Retired, self-employed, unemployed or just starting out in the workplace - we need you.

It's your questions, stories, experiences and opinions that lead our discussion - so we couldn't do it without you!

Our panels are a great mix of people.  Recent guests to join our politicians include TV stars Patrick Grant and Jane McCarry from Still Game, authors Val McDermid and A.L. Kennedy, columnists Owen Jones and Ayesha Hazarika, musicians Ricky Ross and Sandi Thom, comedians Karen Dunbar and Jo Caulfield, Lord Sugar's advisor Mike Soutar from BBC The Apprentice and former Dragons' Den entrepreneur Piers Linney.

You can see previous episodes on the BBC iPlayer:

Know someone else who might be interested?

Help us spread the word by sharing this message with friends, family and colleagues.

Best wishes,

Stephen Jardine, and the Debate Night Audience Team


Weekly Bulletin - Week ending 06/09/24 

Whole School 
Please find attached minutes (sent Group Call 03.09.24) from the Parent Council AGM Meeting (August 2024). These can also be viewed on the Parent Council Section of the Website

Whole School 

We look forward to seeing you on Thursday between 5pm and 6pm to meet the teacher. This is a very informal session where you can meet the teacher, watch a PowerPoint about your child's class/learning experience and have a look around the school. There is no set time, just drop in when works for you. The event will end at 6pm make sure you give yourself plenty of time. 

There will also be a drop-in opportunity if you want to hear more about TEAMs and Seesaw. TEAMs will run at 5pm, 5.20pm and 5.40pm in the hall. Mrs Murphy or I will also be set up in the open area to help P1 - P3 parents with Seesaw. 

P4 - P7 Pupils

We are delighted to let you know that Currie Chieftains Rugby club are coming into school to deliver a block of rugby sessions to learners from Primary 4 up to Primary 7.  These will take place on the next 4 Mondays commencing Monday 2nd September.  Please ensure that your child comes to school prepared to be outside (including a waterproof jacket) as these sessions will take place in the back playground unless the weather is severe.  Should you have any questions on this, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs MacDonald.

P1 Pupils

P1 -  Literacy Event. (2pm)  Parents/Carers will start the session in the hall with P1 staff, to gain insight into some of the teaching which takes place in the classroom. They will then join their children in class to play some literacy based games and activities. Please let us know if we can expect an adult to attend the event for your child, up to two adults per child may attend.

Please complete the form using the link below to advise us if you are able to attend.  We look forward to seeing you on the 11th of September.

P1 Pupils
Please see link (sent Group Call 04.09.24) for the P1 WhatsApp Group should you wish to join.

P1 & P7 Pupils

Please see attached letter (sent in a Group Call 02.09.24) re Dental Inspection for P1 and P7 only. If you DO NOT wish your child to take part please email the school office. The Dental Team will be visiting the school on Tuesday 1st October at 9am.  

P4 & P7 Pupils
Please see attached Powerpoint which relates to the use of Teams and talks you through how to access Teams.  It is located on the school website also -
Mrs Macdonald will be in the hall on Thursday night at Meet the Teacher Event and will be happy to chat with you then, if you have any queries.

Teams for Parents.pptx

P7 Pupils

Balerno High School P7 Open Evening- Save the date

You are invited to join us on Wednesday 25th September between 4.30-7pm to see around our school, meet some of the teachers and to see what our current S1 have been learning. Further details of this event will follow. 

P7 Pupils

We hope everyone is looking forward to camp. Please see final reminders for camp listed below: 

On arrival, pupils will be taking part in activities straight away. Therefore we would suggest a separate bag or for the following items to be packed on the top of the case so pupils can access easily on arrival.


Tough Outdoor Shoes/Boots/Wellies

Bottle of Water

Inhalers (if your child carries their own). Please note this is the only medication that is allowed to be carried by pupils. If you have supplied Inhalers these will be carried by staff attending.


It is important that your child stays warm and dry. Please pack OLD clothes that you don't mind getting wet and muddy. Remember to pack appropriately for the season and to bring spare clothes.

Label all clothing - there is always a mountain of unclaimed clothing at the end of every trip). Please note

No football strips

Trousers/leggings (please note: denim jeans are not suitable)

Long sleeved tops/ T-shirts

Fleeces, jumpers or sweatshirts - Leavers Hoodies are ideal.

Socks - remember to pack spares

Thick socks

Underwear - remember to pack spares!



A black bag for dirty washing

Consider bringing a book or diary for last thing at night

We believe a maximum of £5 can be brought for souvenirs from Lendrick

You may want to consider giving your child a list of everything you have packed so that they can check they bring everything home.

NO items of any value are brought on the trip, this includes mobile phones  (unless previously agreed), gaming devices, jewellery/watches, sweets, snacks or chewing gum
Outdoor Clothing:

• Waterproof jacket/trousers with a hood - Lendrick Muir have some waterproof clothing available

Personal Effects:

• Wash kit/Toiletries (no spray deodorant)

• Large towel (Personal use).

• Hair bobbles (if you have long hair)

• Menstrual Care Products (if required)

• Sunscreen (weather might be sunny!)

• Labelled bin bag for dirty clothes

• Drink/Water Bottle

Footwear: (pack on the top of your case so you can get them out easily when you arrive).

• Trainers for indoors (not slippers)

• Tough outdoor shoes/boots (wellies suitable)

Bedding: Please note all bedding is provided and you child is not required to take any bedding.                         

Medication: All medication should have been handed into the school office- NO LATER than Friday 6th September (AM). Please do not pack any medication in your child's bag. Please note Calpol 6 + and Piriton will be administered if we feel it is required. If a child feels unwell whilst at camp a phone call will be made to parents to advise of the situation.

Accompanying Staff: Mrs Madonald (Acting Principal) and Miss O'mara (P7 Class Teacher) will be attending. Mrs Patience will also attend on Thursday afternoon

Communication: A tweet post will be uploaded daily

Emergency Contact Number: In the event of an emergency, please contact the school on 01506 284200 between the hours of 8.30am and 4.30pm (Monday/Thursday). Out with these times staff can be contacted on the school mobile (07789370657). Please note that due to the location mobile reception may not be great. We will pass any messages to staff at Lendrick Muir as appropriate.

Departure Day: We aim to leave school by 9.30am on the Monday (9th Sept) morning. Parents are welcome to come to the playground before the bus departs. Please note your child should arrive at school as normal at 8.50am for registration. We will Groupcall/Tweet when we get there

Return Day: We aim to return to school for approximately 7.30/7:45pm  on the Thursday (12th September). A Groupcall/Tweet will be sent on Thursday with a more accurate time for return

Before Camp: We ask that you inform the school asap if a child is not attending due to illness/other reason - we will be monitoring the school inbox over the weekend should you have any queries.
Should you have any queries, please contact the school office.


Weekly Bulletin - Week ending 30/08/24 

Whole School 

Please be aware that there may not be any crossing patrol outside the school at the end of the school day tomorrow, Friday 30 August 2024.  Please inform your child of this and take extra care when crossing the road.

Whole School 

A reminder that we are now fully moving over to Parents Portal for annual updates which will significantly reduce your paperwork, as well as ours. If you haven't already done so, please use the attached paperwork (send in Group Call 29.08.24) to find out more about Parents Portal, and sign up. As we get used to the resource, we will begin to unlock even more features of this resource, including the notice board and online trip paper work. 

Thank you to those who have already signed up and have reviewed their child's details.  If you are already signed up but have not already done so, can you please review your child's details as soon as possible.

If you have any questions please contact the school office.

Whole School 

Please see Group call sent 28.08.24 Re Parent Council AGM and Zoom meeting Details. 

Whole School 

Meeting minutes from the previous Parent Council Meeting (June 2024) have been sent on a Group Call (26.08.24) also enclosed in the attachment are also details for the link for the Zoom meeting (28th August, 2024 8pm).

Whole School 
Just a reminder that the consent pack for the Nasal Flu Immunisation needs to be returned to the school office by Monday 26th August. Please note forms need to be returned regardless of whether you wish your child to be immunised or not.

Thank you to everyone that have already returned these, should you require another pack please contact the school office.

Nasal Flu Immunisation Programme will take place on 30th October 2024 On immunisation day the nurse will issue post vaccination information to pupils who have been immunised to ensure parents/carers receive information asap post immunisation. 

Whole School 

We are now fully moving over to Parents Portal for annual updates which will significantly reduce your paperwork, as well as ours. If you haven't already done so, please use the attached paperwork to find out more about Parents Portal, and sign up. As we get used to the resource, we will begin to unlock even more features of this resource, including the notice board and online trip paper work. 

If you have any questions please contact the school office.

P4 - P7  Pupils 

Pentland Junior Singers are looking for new members!

We are a youth choir for ages 8-14 based in Balerno. We perform 2 concerts a year with Pentland Singers in December and June.

We sing a wide variety of choral, folk and world music and songs from shows and films.We help children develop their musical skills and knowledge in a safe and fun learning environment. 

We have just appointed a new musical director - Isabella Gonzalez Diaz-  who is very well qualified and fantastic with the kids!

Rehearsals are every Tuesday evening from 6-7pm Balerno Parish Church.

Membership fees are only £45.50 per term (September to December then January to June) as we want to make singing affordable for all.

Come along for a free taster session on Tuesday 3 September!

If you are interested  please contact Alison Marr by email: 

More information can be found on Youth Choir | Pentland Junior Choir | Scotland ( and Facebook

P7 Pupils 
Please see Group Call sent 27.08.24 re menu for camp. Thank you to everyone who has advised re dietary requirements - we have passed this on to Miss O'Mara and Mrs Dunlop who will be attending, as well as Lendrick Muir kitchen.
Please note that Lendrick Muir will also provide plain pasta on evenings for those that do not like the meal options. 


Weekly Bulletin - Week ending 23/08/24 

Whole School 
Just a reminder that we require the local EE2 forms returned to the school office tomorrow 23rd August. Thank you to everyone that have already returned. Should anyone require an additional form, please contact the school office.

Whole School 

Ratho Football Info (PDF) [397KB] (opens new window)

Please see attached flyer and information re Ratho United. They are looking for the next intake of players for the Ratho United 2019's team.

"Ratho United Youth Football Club will shortly be starting up our 2019 section. Free taster sessions to be run in September/October. Both boys and girls of all abilities are welcome.

If you are interested, please register at

We currently have teams set up for 2013 all the way to 2018, so if your child was born in any of those years and is interested then they can also be registered on the same link."

Whole School 

Your child has been issues with an envelope today that contains the consent pack for the Nasal Flu Immunisation - please complete as soon as possible. Please note forms need to be returned regardless of whether you wish your child to be immunised or not.

Nasal Flu Immunisation Programme will take place on 30th October 2024

On immunisation day the nurse will issue post vaccination information to pupils who have been immunised to ensure parents/carers receive information asap post immunisation. 

Please note we need forms returned to the school office by 26th August in order to be uplifted by the immunisation team. 

Whole School 

I hope you all had a good summer and your children have settled into school well.

This email contains information about Parent Council and 2 dates for your diary:

The First meeting and AGM is on Wednesday 28th August at 8pm

The annual Ssocial is on Friday 30th August at 7.30pm.

More information below....

I would like to tell you about a few things Parent Council have coming up, but first for those of you who are new to the school, here is a little information about Parent Council.

Kirknewton Primary has 2 parent/carer groups - Parent Council and PSA.  Both are groups made up of parents and carers that work closely with the staff of the school.  

PSA - The PSA's purpose is to raise funds for the school to allow the purchase of equipment that the school couldn't otherwise afford and to contribute towards opportunities for children thereby reducing cost to parents.  The PSA runs a variety of fundraising activities throughout the year. 

Parent Council - The Parent Council supports all other aspects of school life and is an important part of liaison between parents/carers and the school and also various activities contributing to school improvement. 

The Parent Council meets 5 times per year (roughly once per half term).  Meetings are held at 8pm on Zoom, to make them accessible for as many people as possible, and generally last just under an hour.  All are welcome to attend and there is no pressure to take part in any way.  The meetings are a great opportunity to hear more about what is happening in school. Questions/Points to raise can be sent to me (via email or your class rep) prior to the meeting.  These questions are anonyms prior to me sending them on to Mrs Patience making it a good opportunity to raise anything you are concerned or unsure about.

Parent Council Subgroups - each year we identify a few subgroups that run for one school year.  These subgroups typically have 3 or 4 parents/carers in them along with a member of staff.  They meet a few times to look at and develop one area of school life.  This year's subgroups will be announced at the AGM.  These subgroups are a great way to get involved in the school with relatively little time commitment and the more people get involved the more we can achieve.

The First Meeting and AGM - As mentioned above, this will be held on Wednesday 28th August at 8pm via Zoom.  The Zoom link will be sent out earlier that day along with the agenda.  Please send any questions or points to raise to me at or pass them through your class rep by 8pm on Wednesday 21st August.

Class Reps - each class has a parent/carer rep.  They are the point of contact for Parent Council (though you are always welcome to contact me directly).  The class reps will be confirmed at the AGM but are likely to be:

Nursery - Mary Turner

P1 - Ashley Mackenzie

P2 - Turid Engstrom

P2/3 - Samantha Winwick

P4 - tbc - please get in touch to volunteer!

P5 - Emma Fuller

P6 - Sarah McNee

P7 - Laura Stewart

Class Whatsapp - Each class has a whatsapp group.  If you are not yet in it please email me and I can get you added to the correct one.

Parent Council Social - This will be held on Friday 30th August from 7.30pm in The Green Room.  Bring your own drink - we'll supply some nibbles.  This is a wonderful opportunity to meet other parents and carers and have a chance to chat for longer than the school gate allows.  You can also informally find out more about getting involved with the PC subgroups and PSA, but absolutely no pressure!

Parents Support Group - This is a monthly group for parents and carers of care experienced children and children with additional support needs (of any level). It takes place monthly on a Thursday evening from 7.30pm - 9pm in The Green Room.  The first one is likely to be held on Thursday 12th September (tbc).  Please get in touch if you'd like any further information.

I hope this information was helpful - well done if you made it to the end!

I look forward to seeing you at the AGM on the 28th and in person at the Social on the 30th.

Best wishes

Pip Shiels

Chair of Parent Council

Whole School 
We are delighted to advise that we will continue to run both After-school Football Clubs on a Tuesday after school commencing tomorrow, Tuesday 20 August 2024.  Should you wish to sign your child up for this, please follow the link below.

P1 Pupils 
Please find attached info for the parent portal - see Group call sent 19.08.24 We would encourage all parent/carers to register for Parent Portal, should you have any issues, please come back to us.

P4 Pupils 

​I'm writing to you because we do not currently have a parent/carer class rep for Parent Council for the p4 class.  As you'll be aware Amanda has taken on Vice Chair of Parent Council and is not able to do both.

The role of class rep should be straightforward and require a very small time commitment, but is really important in the functioning of Parent Council and facilitating communication from Parent Council and PSA to the wider body of parents and carers.

There are 5 Parent Council meetings each year which usually last less than 1 hour and are generally really informative about things that are happening in the school. Class reps are expected to join the Parent Council meetings where possible - though we appreciate it isn't always possible to be at all of them.  Meetings are held at 8pm via Zoom and the day of the week meetings are held on varies to make them more accessible.  Prior to each Parent Council meeting the class rep is expected to forward on a message reminding people when the meeting is and inviting questions or comments.  In recent times parents/carers have raised very little for meetings and often things raised are done so by emailing me directly.  If points have been raised via the class rep then feedback will be provided via them too.  If you have heard something interesting or helpful at the meeting then it is helpful to pass this on to others via the whatsapp group, but otherwise nothing further is required around the meeting.

In between meetings you will occasionally be asked to relay messages to the class whatsapp.  These are usually about PSA or other school or village events, but we try hard to keep these messages to a minimum. 

That's all there is to it! I am happy to provide guidance or support at any point if anything comes up in the role as class rep.

I hope you can see the importance of this role and I'm sure you'll agree that it is a very manageable role.  Please catch me in the playground or get in touch at if you have any questions, or to volunteer to take the role on.

Best wishes

Pip Shiels Chair of Parent Council

Please see attached reminder information regarding camp - but should you have any further queries, please contact the school office.

P7 Pupils 
Primary 7 Residential Information Lendrick Muir 9th September - 12th September 2024

Please see attached reminder information regarding camp - but should you have any further queries, please contact the school office.

Day 1:

On arrival, pupils will be taking part in activities straight away. Therefore we would suggest a separate bag or for the following items to be packed on the top of the case so pupils can access easily on arrival.

  • Jacket

  • Tough Outdoor Shoes/Boots/Wellies

  • Bottle of Water

  • Inhalers (if your child carries their own). Please note this is the only medication that is allowed to be carried by pupils


We would ask that NO items of any value are brought on the trip, this includes mobile phones, gaming devices etc.

A suggested kit list provided by Lendrick Muir is detailed below. It is important that your child stays warm and dry. Please pack OLD clothes that you don't mind getting wet and muddy. Remember to pack appropriately for the season and to bring spare clothes. Please ensure that all clothes are labelled with your child's name (as there is always a mountain of unclaimed clothing at the end of
every trip). Please note - no football strips.


• Trousers/leggings (please note: denim jeans are not suitable)

• Long sleeved tops

• T-shirts

• Fleeces, jumpers or sweatshirts - Leavers Hoodies are ideal.

• Socks - remember to pack spares!

• Swimwear - (If water activities are chosen)

• Thick socks

• Underwear - remember to pack spares!

• Pyjamas

• Clothes for evening

Outdoor Clothing:

• Waterproof jacket with a hood

• Waterproof trousers

Personal Effects:

• Wash kit/Toiletries (no spray deodorant)

• Large towel (Personal use).

• Hair bobbles (if you have long hair)

• Menstrual Care Products (if required)

• Sunscreen (weather might be sunny!)

• Labelled bin bag for dirty clothes

• Drink/Water Bottle

Footwear: (pack on the top of your case so you can get them out easily when you arrive).

• Trainers for indoors (not slippers)

• Tough outdoor shoes/boots (wellies suitable as one pair)

Whilst we would encourage you to make sure your child has ample clothing, they will be expected to move their own bag from the bus to the accommodation so please ensure they are able to carry their own bag.

Please do not pack any medication in your child's bag as this should be handed to the school office prior to departure

You may want to consider giving your child a list of everything you have packed so that they can check they bring everything home.

Bedding: Please note all bedding is provided and you child is not required to take any bedding.

​Medication: Any medication brought to camp must be accompanied by the appropriate form. If we do not have a form we cannot administer the medication. The school office will be in touch with those parent/carers who have indicated medication is required. 

Departure Day: The coach leaves school at 9:30am on Monday, 9th September. Your child should arrive at school as normal at 8.50am for registration.

Parents are welcome to come to the playground before the bus departs.

Accompanying Staff: We will advise which staff members will be attending - Mrs Patience, also plans to attend for one of the days.

Pocket Money: Pupils will be allowed to visit the on-site shop on the final day to purchase any small gifts. Please send no more than £5, preferably in change, for this purpose. All money will be held by the group leaders. The school will provide a small snack and drink for the children each night.

Emergency Contact Number: In the event of an emergency, please contact the school on 01506 284200 between the hours of 8.30am and 4.30pm (Monday/Thursday). Out with these times staff can be contacted on the school mobile (07789370657). Please note that due to the location mobile reception may not be great. We will pass any messages to staff at Lendrick Muir as appropriate.

Daily Updates: We will document daily activities on Twitter@Kirknewton PS along with photos (with permission) so you can view your child's activities. Pupils will not be taking any devices with them on the trip and we would encourage parents only to make contact if an absolute emergency.

Arrival Back Home: On Thursday, 12th September, the children will return to Kirknewton Primary School at 7:30/7:45pm approximately.  We will communicate estimated arrival times as best we can by groupcall messages.
Please can we ask that final payments are made by 30th August as we need to confirm final numbers to Lendrickmuir.

Pupils (P5 - P7)
Just a reminder that we require the Digital Devices Forms forms returned to the school office tomorrow 23rd August. Thank you to everyone that have already returned. Should anyone require an additional form, please see attached or please contact the school office.

Weekly Bulletin - Week ending 16/08/24 

Whole School 

Pupils (P1 - P7) will have their EE2 forms for local outings in their school bags, please can these be returned to the school office by Friday 23rd August 

Whole School 

The Kirknewton Walking School Bus group are looking for volunteers to help lead the children to school on Friday mornings.

A group of us have been running the bus for the last year with huge success - saving car journeys, reducing traffic at school, teaching safety awareness whilst getting exercise.

We would love to keep this scheme going but we are really in need of volunteers who can regularly participate. If you think you can help us out on a regular basis from any stop, every week or every few weeks, please get in touch with me on 07849 034 067 or email:

For those new to the school, this is the route and the timings from each stop: Are on the Group call sent (16.08.24)

We haven't yet started the bus for this term, but hopefully we can set off again very soon with some extra help.

Whole School 
Please see Group Call sent 16/08/24 for provisional dates and times for events happening in school within the 2024-2025 session. Please note that although we will endeavour to keep to these dates and times, they are subject to change. We will give you as much notice as possible of any date changes.

There is a copy of this in all pupils bags today - please look out for these in your child's school bag.

Please continue to check school website - Parent Zone Section where we will update and put information with regards to school communication and school event information.

Whole School 

We hope you have had a lovely summer with your child/children. We are all very much looking forward to seeing them back in a few weeks. I have attached a very short Sway to remind you of the first day processes. Please take a wee look at it when you get an minute.

P1 Pupils 
We are happy to inform you that all our P1 pupils happy and have settled well in class.

P1 Pupils 

P1 - Photography Forms to be returned to the school office Friday 23rd June 

P1 - Code of Conducts Forms to be returned to the school office Friday 23rd June 

P1 - Kirkie Savers Applications to be returned to the school office Friday 23rd June 

P5 - P7 Pupils 

P5 - P7 - Digital Agreements to be returned to the school office Friday 23rd June 

P7 Pupils 
If you have ordered a Leavers hoodie/hoodies for your child please note these can be collected today between 3:30pm - 4:30pm 12th August. Please ensure payments have been made before collection. If you have ordered a red hoodie for your child, we are still waiting on these to be delivered.

P7 Pupils 

All our P7 pupils have received their leavers hoodies and look great.  
Can we please remind you to pay for your child's leavers hoodie by the end of this week.  We have opened the fund again on ipayimpact as there is still an outstanding balance of £21.00.


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