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Parent Council

Information on the school's parent council.

Parent Council Information

The next Parent Council meeting will take place (27.03.25) at 8pm via Zoom - (details to follow).

Meting Notes 28th January 2025:2025 Meeting Minutes 28th Jan 2025 (PDF, 282 KB)(opens new window)

Agenda: 28.01.25 2025 Parent Council Agenda 28th Jan (PDF, 68 KB)(opens new window)

Questions can be sent to or submitted via your class rep prior to the meeting. All questions are anonymised prior to sending on so this is a really good opportunity to raise things.

Parents and carers are encouraged to attend Parent Council Meetings.  This is an excellent opportunity to hear more about the school, what has been happening this school year so far, what is planned for the future and some of the thinking behind decisions.  There is no pressure to get involved with anything - you are welcome just to come and listen. 

Parent Council Subgroups

The Parent Council subgroups for this year will be formally introduced this evening, but these are the links for each of them so you can have a look in advance of the meeting.  We will be looking for a few parents and carers to take part in each group, a couple of which will only run for a very short period.

United Nations Rights of the Child (UNCRC): 

2024 United Nations Rights of the Child (PDF, 285 KB)(opens new window)

Equity for Everyone:

2024 Equality for Everyone Group (PDF, 288 KB)(opens new window)

Cost of the School Day:

2024 Cost of the School Day (PDF, 289 KB)(opens new window)


2024 The School Library (PDF, 284 KB)(opens new window)

Parent Council Social

We have one Social each year at the start of the first term to welcome new parents and carers to the school and to give an opportunity for people to catch up, meet others and have a chance to ask questions about Parent Council, the subgroups and the PSA (and we promise no pressure to join anything if you don't want to - feel free just to come along and socialise!).

This will be held in The Green Room on Friday 30th August at 7.30pm. We'll provide some nibbles, just bring a drink and drop in whenever suits.

Parent/Carer Support Group

The first meeting of this will now take place on Thursday 19th September at 7.30pm in The Green Room (a week later than previously advertised).

As you are probably aware, all the children are in one of the four school 'Houses', with siblings always in the same house. Coming along to any parent council or PSA meeting, or the social, this year will earn your family's 'house' 5 house points! As I am sure your children will tell you there is stiff competition between the houses and extra points are very welcome!

I look forward to seeing lots of people at the meeting tonight and at the social on Friday

Very best wishes

Pip Shiels

Chair of Parent Council


The First meeting and AGM is on Wednesday 28th August at 8pm via Zoom -  The Zoom link will be sent out earlier that day along with the agenda.  Please send any questions or points to raise to me at or pass them through your class rep by 8pm on Wednesday 21st August.

The annual Ssocial is on Friday 30th August at 7.30pm.
More information below....

Kirknewton Primary has 2 parent/carer groups - Parent Council and PSA.  Both are groups made up of parents and carers that work closely with the staff of the school.  

PSA The PSA's purpose is to raise funds for the school to allow the purchase of equipment that the school couldn't otherwise afford and to contribute towards opportunities for children thereby reducing cost to parents.  The PSA runs a variety of fundraising activities throughout the year. 

Parent Council The Parent Council supports all other aspects of school life and is an important part of liaison between parents/carers and the school and also various activities contributing to school improvement. 

The Parent Council meets 5 times per year (roughly once per half term).  Meetings are held at 8pm on Zoom, to make them accessible for as many people as possible, and generally last just under an hour.  All are welcome to attend and there is no pressure to take part in any way.  The meetings are a great opportunity to hear more about what is happening in school. Questions/Points to raise can be sent to me (via email or your class rep) prior to the meeting.  These questions are anonymised prior to me sending them on to Mrs Patience making it a good opportunity to raise anything you are concerned or unsure about.

Parent Council Subgroups - each year we identify a few subgroups that run for one school year.  These subgroups typically have 3 or 4 parents/carers in them along with a member of staff.  They meet a few times to look at and develop one area of school life.  This year's subgroups will be announced at the AGM.  These subgroups are a great way to get involved in the school with relatively little time commitment and the more people get involved the more we can achieve.

Class Reps - each class has a parent/carer rep.  They are the point of contact for Parent Council (though you are always welcome to contact me directly).  The class reps will be confirmed at the AGM but are likely to be:

Nursery - Mary Turner

P1 - Ashley Mackenzie

P2 - Turid Engstrom

P2/3 - Samantha Winwick

P4 - tbc - please get in touch to volunteer!

P5 - Emma Fuller

P6 - Sarah McNee

P7 - Laura Stewart

Class Whatsapp - Each class has a whatsapp group.  If you are not yet in it please email me and I can get you added to the correct one.

Parent Council Social - This will be held on Friday 30th August from 7.30pm in The Green Room.  Bring your own drink - we'll supply some nibbles.  This is a wonderful opportunity to meet other parents and carers and have a chance to chat for longer than the school gate allows.  You can also informally find out more about getting involved with the PC subgroups and PSA, but absolutely no pressure!

Parents Support Group - This is a monthly group for parents and carers of care experienced children and children with additional support needs (of any level). It takes place monthly on a Thursday evening from 7.30pm - 9pm in The Green Room.  Next Date TBC -  Please get in touch if you'd like any further information.

I look forward to seeing you at the AGM on the 28th and in person at the Social on the 30th.

Pip Shiels

Chair of Parent Council

Previous Meeting Minutes

Meeting Notes: Parent Council AGM Minutes November 2024

Meeting Notes: August 2024 - Parent Council AGM Agenda and Meeting Notes

Meeting Notes: June 2024 

Meeting Notes: March 2024 

Meeting Notes: January 2024

Minutes November 2023

Minutes August 2023

School Budget Info 

Sub Group Info

The First meeting and AGM is on Wednesday 30th August at 8pm

The social is on Friday 8th September at 7.30pm (note the change of date).

I would like to tell you about a few things Parent Council have coming up, but first for those of you who are new to the school, here is a little information about Parent Council. Kirknewton Primary has 2 parent/carer groups - Parent Council and PSA.  Both are groups made up of parents and carers that work closely with the staff of the school.  

PSA - The PSA's purpose is to raise funds for the school to allow the purchase of equipment that the school couldn't otherwise afford and to contribute towards opportunities for children thereby reducing cost to parents.  The PSA runs a variety of fundraising activities throughout the year. 

Parent Council - The Parent Council supports all other aspects of school life and is an important part of liaison between parents/carers and the school and also various activities contributing to school improvement. 

The Parent Council meets 5 times per year (roughly once per half term).  Meetings are held at 8pm on Zoom, to make them accessible for as many people as possible, and generally last just under an hour.  All are welcome to attend and there is no pressure to take part in any way.  The meetings are a great opportunity to hear more about what is happening in school. Questions/Points to raise can be sent to me (via email or your class rep) prior to the meeting.  These questions are anonymised prior to me sending them on to Mrs Patience making it a good opportunity to raise anything you are concerned or unsure about.

Parent Council Subgroups - each year we identify a few subgroups that run for one school year.  These subgroups typically have 3 or 4 parents/carers in them along with a member of staff.  They meet a few times to look at and develop one area of school life.  This year's subgroups will be announced at the AGM.  These subgroups are a great way to get involved in the school with relatively little time commitment and the more people get involved the more we can achieve.

The First Meeting and AGM - As mentioned above, this will be held on Wednesday 30th August at 8pm via Zoom.  The Zoom link will be sent out earlier that day along with the agenda.  Please send any questions or points to raise to me at or pass them through your class rep by 8pm on Thursday 24th August.

Class Reps - each class has a parent/carer rep.  They are the point of contact for Parent Council (though you are always welcome to contact me directly).  The class reps will be confirmed at the AGM but are likely to be:

  • Nursery - Ashley Mackenzie

  • P1B - Vic Guthrie

  • P1M - Turid Engstrom

  • P2 - Samantha Winwick

  • P3 - Amanda Blainey

  • P4 - Sara Shaw

  • P5 - Sarah McNee

  • P6 - Laura Stewart

  • P7 - Julie Thynne

Class Whatsapp - Each class has a whatsapp group.  If you are not yet in it please email me and I can get you added to the correct one.

Parent Council Social - This will be held on Friday 8th September from 7.30pm in The Green Room.  Bring your own drink - we'll supply some nibbles.  This is a wonderful opportunity to meet other parents and carers and have a chance to chat for longer than the school gate allows.  You can also informally find out more about getting involved with the PC subgroups and PSA, but absolutely no pressure!

Parents Support Group - This is a monthly group for parents and carers of care experienced children and children with additional support needs (of any level). It takes place monthly on a Thursday evening from 7.30pm - 9pm in The Green Room.  The first one will be held on Thursday 14th September.  Please get in touch if you'd like any further information.

I hope this information was helpful  - I look forward to seeing you at the AGM on the 30th and in person at the Social on the 8th.

Pip Shiels, Chair of Parent Council

1st June 2023

Wednesday 22nd March

Monday 30th January 2023 

Thursday 27th October 2022

August 2022

June 2022

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